Do you keep telling yourself that you’re going to practise Italian every day, or that you’re going to write more blogs, or that today, you’re actually going to send that email, that you’ve been putting off for weeks? But still, you haven’t done all the things you said you would.
Well, here’s my top two tips for achieving your goals.
1. A Sticky Note a Month
Every 1st of the month, I get a sticky note out and I write three things I want to achieve by the end of the month. Some goals could be; practising Chinese three days a week, finishing a book, being able to do 10 pull-ups or book a weekend away.
Once I’ve written my three goals down, I stick the note in the centre of my bedroom mirror. This way, I can see my three goals every day, whether I read it sub-consciously or not. Some people like to read their goals out loud every day, but for me, just looking at them is enough.

Remember to make your goals realistic. Sometimes I achieve one of my goals before the end of the month. For example, I might have achieved my 10 pull-ups on the 12th of September, so then I would go and scribble over the ‘10’ and change it to ’20.’ It’s better to start small so you feel a sense of achievement, then setting a big goal that you can’t achieve and then feel deflated.
2. Four Bullet Points
Every night before I go to bed, I write down four things that I have to do the next day. I do this before I go to bed as it helps empty my mind and stops me worrying that I will forget something I have to do.
Again, make it realistic. They can be super simple things.
For example:

· Reply to work email
· Go to the gym
· Hoover the floor
· Get mum a birthday present
I cross them off as I do them, which feels super rewarding. Even if there’s not much I have to do, I still force myself to write four things, even if it’s something fun like practising guitar or meeting up with a friend. I like to keep myself busy, so even on slow days, I still have things to do.
Four is a good amount for me. I used to just write down every single thing I needed to do, and the long list would make me unproductive, so giving yourself a small amount, makes the list less terrifying. You could write down two things or five things, it’s up to you.
I hope these two tips help you be more productive and achieve your goals.
If you try my tips, I’d love to hear from you or comment below any methods that have worked for you.
Thanks for reading,